
Do you dream?

Do you have big dreams?

Do those dreams have you playing big roles and accomplishing big things?

If not, why not?

If so, are you pursuing the dreams?

If not, why not?

If so, what do you need, who do you need, and when do you need those things and people necessary to live and then succeed in that dream?

I’m dreaming big right now.  Some of those dreams have me in them, but many of them do not.  If the dream doesn’t have me in it, I spend very little time trying to get me into that dream.  Instead, I focus on those dreams where I see myself playing a big role and achieving big results.

I hope you’re dreaming too.

Big time.

With big results.

And I hope you too see yourself doing game changing things that benefit others in big ways.

If, in the off chance, your dreams are fast and furious and not tied to what you do today or who you do it for today, then it might be time to check out that road not yet travelled and see where it leads.

You might just get in that dream.

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