Archive for July, 2008

Listening to the Whispers

I’ve been talking a lot about change lately, mainly because I thrive on it and I’m desperately seeking change, but also because I’m curious as to the affects change has on leaders and those being led, and how the organization responds to change based on the types of leaders any particular organization does have. Several […]


As I come out of the serenity of the Arctic Northwest of Alaska, I’ve been thinking about the things that create passion in me.  Here’s a quick list (soon on a plane, so not much time!): (1) A quiet moment with someone I love (2) A pursuit of something incredibly challenging that everyone else says […]

Change (3)

In the serenity of Arctic Alaska, I’m continuing to ponder chaos.  I’ve mentioned previously six reasons why change is good, three of them fairly personal and three more that seem much more relevant to the organization than to me as a person.  But this time I want to talk about something very irritating when change […]

Change (2)

I put in my last posting that there were three very good reasons for change – (1) age – I have a sense of urgency because I’m not a young man anymore; (2) stagnation – when things settle down to the point that the path is predictable (up, flat, or down), then change is good […]


When I was in the Air Force, the one thing you could certainly count on was change.  Assignments would range from 1 year for school assignments, to 2 years for command assignments, to 3 or 4 years for your more routine assignments, and up to 5 or 6 years for certain special assignment.  Within those […]

It’s Not Fair

I’ve been home for a few days now, and unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your disposition), I’ve had the chance now to watch the habits of my family and based on those habits come to one very important conclusion – life really isn’t fair.  Members of my family have been blessed with special gifts that […]


If you read my previous blog, you’ll know how much I dreaded the “Do You Know Your Bride” test that my 14 year old was going to force me to take.  Unfortunately, she read the blog soon after it was done and she had a sense of urgency to get the test done before I […]


My wife, my 14 year old and I stopped off at the local bookstore this morning under the pretense of getting my 14 year old a book that was required reading for school.  We did do that, but as always, we visited our favorite sections of the bookstore too and spent our typical $100 on […]

Life with a 14 Year Old (7)

Late last night my 14 year old came into our room and asked if we could go out to breakfast this morning.  My 23 year old very pregnant daughter had a doctor’s appointment this morning and didn’t want to go, and my wife was going with 23 year old to her appointment so she didn’t […]


When my wife got home today, she came into the house and told me that something was wrong with the van.  The internal lights in the rear of the van stayed on even after shutting the van off, and when you opened the door, even without the key in the ignition, the fast paced tone […]

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