Archive for November, 2008


I spent almost 4 hours on conference calls today.  That’s typical of most Mondays.  I’ll spend another 4 hours on conference calls on most Tuesdays as well.  Then at least an hour on Wednesdays.  Probably 2 hours on Thursdays.  And maybe another 2 hours on Fridays.  That’s about 13 hours on conference calls on most […]


My wife has a “hunk” calendar that she eagerly rushes to the kitchen to view every morning.  It’s one of those tear offs, with daily pictures of good looking guys in various stages of showing off their physiques.  My daughter gave that to her for Christmas last year, and judging by the excitement it creates […]

Teenagers vs. Mid Size Companies

I made a comparison on October 23rd of “Babies vs. Startups”, and I talked about how fascinating it was for me to watch my only months old granddaughter get more focused and more stable and how much it reminded me of the startups that I’ve been so fortunate to be part of. Today, for no […]

Sense of Accomplishment

I spend a significant amount of any business day now on conference calls.  As with most companies today, we have enormous challenges because of the economic conditions, because of the changing market and thus the changing buying patterns of our customers, and because of the incredible desire to hit expectations and deliver dividends even with […]


The longest interview I ever went through was over 8 hours which occured just over 5 years ago when I joined the company I’m part of today.  I remember how anxious I was during that interview because I was briefed that it would be only a couple of hours and with less than a handful […]

My Vote Counts

My wife and I both voted today, using the traditional wait in line and then mark your ballot mode.  It was exciting to see so many people at the polls and even more exciting to walk down the halls of the office and hear a near (if not actual) unanimous “yes” when I asked “did […]


I mentioned earlier that I “rolled over” and gave in to the relentless pressure of my daughter to buy her a new phone…and even more importantly, not just a new phone but a Blackberry.  Her mother and I went to the AT&T store together, her goal being to get our daughter a functional but not […]

Roll Over

I can think of so many things that come to mind when I think of roll over: — moving my 401(k) from one provider to another — giving in to my daughter when she relentlessly begs for a new cell phone (she got one today) — what they do on CSI when they need to […]

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