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I visit what must be hundreds of companies a year…4 or 5 a week…50 or so weeks a year.

Some of them are visibly demonstrating incredible motivation right now, sensing the worst of times behind us and looking forward with great optimism.

Others though have D.I.E.D.  — dysfunction, indifference, and endless denial – D.I.E.D.

This chronic condition is self inflicted, and medicine can’t cure it.

Radical surgery might, and removal or replacement of limbs may be essential to survival.

In the worst of times, defibrillation may prolong but not necessarily save the organization.

When limbs are replaced by vibrant and optimistic contributors, those limbs revive much of the organization.  The more that are replaced, the stronger the life of the new body.

In the coming months and years, limb replacement surgery will dominate and define organizational recovery.

The market is already strong.

It will get much stronger!

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