Fathers and Sons

Tonight was another one of those rare and yet very special conversations between me and my 21 year old son:

Matt:  “I want to be just like you Dad”.

Me:  “You want to be a stud?”

Matt:  “No, I want to type real fast.”

That pretty much launched the entire table into laughter.

Not to long ago, we had another conversation that went something like this:

Me:  “I’m thinking about running for Governor of Colorado.”

Matt:  “Really?”

Me:  “Seriously.  Would you vote for me?”

Matt:  “It depends on who you’re running against.”

I’m not sure I can ask for any more.  After all, he’s right.  I do type fast.  And who knows, I, too, might vote for the other person running for Governor.

Me and Matt

Maybe he’s like me after all!

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