Grabbing the Shovel

We had a big spring storm come through yesterday, dumping about 12 inches of very wet snow across the area.  It was still in 30’s today when I finally decided to go out and start shoveling.  It was more like pushing icy water rather than actually shoveling.  As I struggled through our very big driveway and fairly long sidewalks, my 22 year old son showed up on his lunch break and grabbed a shovel and started helping.  That’s him below:

Matt, in just shorts and a polo shirt, gave up most of his lunch break to grab that shovel and help me move that very wet snow in about 37 degree temperatures.  He didn’t ask.  He just did it.

That got me thinking.

Wouldn’t it be cool if everyone who saw someone else laboring just picked up a shovel and started helping?

Most of us would ask, “Do you need some help?”  And the majority of those struggling under the burden of work would say, “No thanks; I got it.”  Some would help anyway, but others would accept the “no” and just walk away.

Instead of asking, maybe we should all just pick up that shovel and start helping.

Thanks for helping Matt!

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