Learning Lessons

Learning sucks.

Learning that you’re not as good a leader as you thought you were.

Learning that you’re not as good a sales guys and certainly not as good a closer as you need to be.

Learning that you’re not as disciplined at responding to requests for help or living up to commitments as you have to be.

Learning that you’re not the “World’s Best Father” even though you have the trophy presented to you by your kids on the shelf to indicate that you are.

Learning that what seems so clear to you may be very unclear to those you’re talking to.

Learning that something that you absolutely know is right is actually wrong.

Yep…learning sucks.

Thank goodness we have a lifetime to finish the learning process.

One Response to “Learning Lessons”

  1. realdeal42 on 31 Mar 2010 at 7:16 am #

    Learning Rebuttal

    Learning is Awesome.

    Learning that more people read (and like) your blog than you realized.

    Learning the truths of Scripture are real.

    Learning what Grace feels like.

    Learning that even though you are imperfect and fail at times as a parent, your kids still call you “Daddy” and look up to you and love you.

    Learning new things that expand your knowledge and joy of the world.

    Learning that, although not always disciplined, each step you take in that direction is progress.

    Learning that it’s ok to be wrong sometimes.

    Thank goodness we have minds and souls that have the ability to learn!