Life with a 14 Year Old (20)

My 14 year old has been begging me for a new phone for months now.  Three months ago it was a desperate need for an I-Phone, because everyone at school had one.  Three months later, its now a Blackberry Pearl – everybody’s got one of them now too.  I’ve been stunned by my consistency in response on this one – “NO!”  But today, she ratcheted up the pressure and took a new and more devious approach.

When I got home from work, she walked up to me and showed me a crushed phone…seriously…the outer screen was shredded.  Many things crossed my mind when I saw that phone, but I must admit, accident was not the first thing I thought.  As I looked at the damage though, I smiled and did what almost any father would do when something needs to be fixed – I opened the garage and pulled out the duct tape.  As my daughter looked on, I fixed her phone:

I think it’s pretty cool, and it’s quite possibly one of a kind!  But I’m sure the begging is sure to intensify now!

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