
I am blessed to see this every morning I wake up in Colorado:

Pikes Peak

It’s called the “purple mountain’s majesty” in the song, though I missed the window of purple this morning!

For me, it’s serenity.  It’s a reminder of God’s majesty and His gift of His magnificent creation.  It’s a reminder that even though I’m just a speck in this universe, I matter to Him, and He carries me and my burdens so I am not alone.  It’s a reminder that God’s love is everlasting and His grace boundless.

When the burdens of this world weigh me down, I look at the mountains and the worries melt away.

Matthew 6:27 says, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

And when I feel overwhelmed by the struggles in business, the economic pressures in life, or the growing conflict around the world, I stare into these mountains and realize that the God who created these also created each of us, and His love surrounds us and comforts us during any and all of these struggles. 

Isaiah 54:10 says, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.”

In this roller coaster of emotions in life, my peaks are high because of the majesty and faithfulness of our Creator, and my valleys are low because of the promise of His presence and the reminder of His love for me.

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