Momentary Thoughts

I’ve been completely consumed by a client engagement over the last 2 weeks and as a result, I haven’t had my weekly dose of altitude.  On Wednesday though, I finally took a day trip from Baton Rouge to Houston and got up to 22,000 for a 40 minute flight.  I was so looking forward to some mental freedom and liberating thoughts, but it wasn’t meant to be.  Instead, I slept.  Both ways.  Worn out from the pressures on the ground and mentally fried because of the tenacious assault on the issues of the moment. 

I operate best when I get to break away – it’s been 16 days since I’ve been able to do that.  I operate best when the pressures of the world are miles below me and the beauty of God’s creation is so visible from so high.  I operate best when my peers, my friends, and my family provide a constant couch to lean back on and bear my soul from, thus allowing me to momentarily sense a shared burden in any responsibility and a complete empathy from those listening, nodding and smiling in knowing that any such burden will be resolved in a meaningful way.

These past two weeks, I’ve been able to break away for only minutes at any one time and for hours only rarely.  It’s incredibly stimulating from the point of being back in mission operations, but it’s also somewhat debilitating when the fatigue prevents the musing and the mission challenges prevent the necessary distractions.

I’m hoping to get back into a normal musing flow by the middle of next week…if not, I’m going to hang a “blog under construction” sign on the home page so those of you that find some enjoyment and amusement from these postings won’t continue to come if I can’t break away and muse.

Thanks for caring enough to keep coming back…and thanks for the encouragement and support through your emails.


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