More Things That Make Me Smile

I am blessed…seriously blessed…and I want to share with you some of the very many things that make me smile:

(1) being home for 3 weeks straight – hasn’t happened in just about a decade

(2) the first significant snow of the year

(3) when the auditors walk out of the building

(4) taking my 14 year old to the bus stop

(5) the first sip of a quad grande soy with whip caramel machiato

(6) fellowship on Fridays

(7) the end of a very long conference call

(8) any time I’m right when discussing any issue with my bride

(9) any time I’m right when discussing any issue with my 14 year old

(10) any time I’m right

(11) the moment a serious challenge is overcome

(12) any time my favorite bloggers add new postings

(13) an answered prayer

(14) pulling into the driveway at the end of a long day

(15) an unexpected thank you after an act of kindness

(16) another pound gone when stepping on the scale

(17) providing a reference for a friend seeking a job

(18) sharing a “whine and wine” session with your friends

(19) the daily picture of the g’baby

(20) trying to get into the wrong car in the parking lot

(21) that clink of the wine glasses when sharing a toast with my bride

(22) getting through my “to do” list on any particular day

(23) words of encouragement from an unexpected source

(24) the smell of bacon on Saturday morning

(25) remembering something due just in time to get it done

(26) the silence in an elevator when total strangers don’t want to talk and all look at the display as the elevator goes up or down

(27) the thud that occurs when automatic doors don’t automatically open

(28) turning the lights out in the office at the end of a long week

I’m looking forward to refilling my reservoirs this weekend – it’s been a long week, but I’ve still found many reasons to smile!

2 Responses to “More Things That Make Me Smile”

  1. realdeal42 on 14 Nov 2008 at 10:33 pm #

    #3: I smiled a bit today too
    #6: Good food seems to encourage this behavior, doesn’t it?
    #12: I’m attempting to be more consistent and get one in every day
    #13: This happened for me on my drive home (see my blog)
    #24: Bacon is part of my plan for tomorrow morning!

    This is a good exercise…I think I will do something similar soon. Makes me think of Bing Crosby singing “Count Your Blessings” in White Christmas.

  2. admin on 16 Nov 2008 at 8:41 am #

    Thanks for the comments! I did go out and read your blog, and I stand amazed (though I shouldn’t be) when God so quickly gives us answers and we so quickly realize that He’s the one that provided that answer. Selflessness is tough…very tough…because it goes against all that we are. But in seeking His will for our lives and in seeking to serve Him as we were created to do, we do indeed find selflessness. I bet now that it’s Sunday, you are very comfortable with your decision!