No Brainers

I’m naturally suspicious of no brainers.  I’ll spend a significant amount of time digging deep, questioning all my assumptions, and rethinking each possible scenario just to try and prove that the no brainer is actually something that may not be so certain after all.

Every now and then, my extra effort in due diligence turns up something that does indeed prove my suspicions correct.

But most of the time, my digging turns up nothing.

Although it does delay any positive contribution that would be coming from the no brainer.

So why do I hesitate?

Because that one time that I may turn up something could save thousands to millions of dollars by checking everything twice.

My goal is to minimize the time for second guessing while still allowing my significantly suspicious mind to ask and re-ask the right questions.

When I figure out what that perfect amount of time is, I need to make sure I don’t stay mired in my suspicious doubt any longer than that.  Instead, if nothing of note is found during that second phase of investigation, I need to ignite the fires of excitement, launch fast, and take advantage of whatever awesome promise comes from that obviously not-so-obvious opportunity!

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