
I sat on my front porch this morning for my Bible reading and prayer.  It was relatively warm, and I needed only a light golf shirt to feel comfortable.  But all around me were clouds, ominous signs of the winter storm that that is yet to come. 


Thankfully, not now.  For now, it’s comfortable.  And there are sounds of life all around.

In front of me to the left, I hear a fire engine racing out of the station.

In front of me to the right, I hear numerous different kinds of birds chirping in the early morning light.

Behind me, I hear the growing rush of cars heading down I-25 towards Colorado Springs.

Just beyond that, I hear the incredibly loud whistle (is it really a whistle?) of a southbound coal train heading most likely for some place in Texas.

In front of me, I also hear the rush of running water, hidden somewhere under the street.

And I also notice what’s missing.  There is no gentle breeze or mighty wind this morning.  It’s eerily calm.  And with the clouds hovering so close all around, the sounds of so many things that are so far away are amplified and carried a long distance for me to notice them so clearly.

The fact that I’m noticing such things is a great blessing.  I woke up this morning and the headache was gone.  My senses are returning, and I’m seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling things again that were deeply masked by the tension and pain over the last couple of days.

This is good!  I can look again at the sun trying to break through the clouds to the east without wincing.  I can pump up the volume on the radio in the car and belt out the words to those special songs without cringing.  And I can look forward to this new day that I have been blessed with, knowing that I’ll recognize those little things again that always make me smile!


Yes, this is good!

One Response to “Ominous?”

  1. melissa819 on 16 Apr 2009 at 4:26 pm #

    Wish I was there for the snow!