
I’m sitting on my front porch with a glass of wine, watching the darkness approach, listening to the distinctly different sounds of night, and feeling very much at peace.

Breakfast burritos brought some much needed early morning smiles.

A morning meeting at Starbucks reunited two friends in a common quest.

A lunchtime meeting brought entrepreneurial passions to the fore and opened some new possibilities, that may not have been just coincidence.

Afternoon calls brought passion and pride and focused forward on the right things to do.

Then dinner this evening provided opportunities for mentoring and encouragement.

And now I get to sit back, reflect, relax and experience peace.

If every single interaction is meant to be impactful – either impacting or being impacted – today was one of those days where every single meeting allowed me to find smiles.

And because I found smiles throughout the day, I am easily finding peace tonight.

I yearn for many more of these days.

I desperately seek those smiles.

I need this peace.

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