Prayer Time

My Bible reading today took me into Psalm 136.  I’m reading from The Message, which is a very modern translation of the Bible.  But this chapter really caused me to think:

Thank God!

He deserves your thanks,

His love never quits.

Thank the God of all gods,

His love never quits.

Thank the Lord of all lords,

His love never quits.

So building off those verses and moving into my prayer time, I prayed very differently today.  After every praise, every petition, and every request for forgiveness, I ended with “Your love never quits.”

So it went something like this:

Our father in heaven, I praise you.

Your love never quits.

I ask forgiveness for my sins.

Your love never quits.

I thank you for my family.

Your love never quits.

I thank you for healing.

Your love never quits.

I pray for healing.

Your love never quits.

I thank you for the job you have provided for me.

Your love never quits.

I pray for wisdom.

Your love never quits.

I praise You for your presence in our lives.

Your love never quits.

To You be all the glory.

Your love never quits.

As I finished praying, I was smiling because “Your love never quits” fit so perfectly after every line of my prayer.

I’ve heard time and time again that “God is love”.

This was great affirmation for me!

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