Random Things

I just got home from a 3-day, 3-site swing to visit our team members serving our federal customers across the country.  Once again I stand in awe of those who serve and those who serve those who serve.  It’s humbling while exciting to see the things that we do that save lives and impact lives in ways that are so special.

I only have a few minutes this morning, so I wanted to quickly post some random things:

(1) My 15 year old starts finals today; she has two of her least liked subjects today – civics and math; her civics teacher put out what they’d need to get on the final to improve their current letter grade; she’ll need a 100% on her civics final to get to an “A”; NO PRESSURE THERE!

(2) It was raining when we landed in Orlando on Wednesday evening and then raining when we landed back here in Colorado yesterday; both places were in desperate need of rain and both got quite a deluge at times; of course, a deluge in Orlando is like a monsoon or hurricane; a deluge in Colorado is like a 10 minute shower

(3) As we were sitting in the Orlando Red Carpet Club, a gentleman walked up and introduced himself, recognizing our company shirts and identifying that he was a partner with out company on work up in Washington DC; it brings smiles when folks see and know your company name, even more so, when we’re still a relatively small company making that name and establishing that strong reputation that everyone wants

(4) I have new candles burning in my home office today, setting the mood for an awesome Friday; one of my lofty goals has always been to make every interaction on any given day something meaningful to those I interact with and to me personally; through Bible reading, a time of prayer, a time of reflection, a time of introspection, and a time of thinking forward to the day ahead, my heart is made right first, and then my intentions are brought to the forefront second; I have found over the years that when I don’t take this time to get my heart right, the day becomes a nightmare with anxiety and distress; I’m no rocket scientist, but there sure seems to be a direct tie between getting the heart right and being ready to appropriately enjoy the day

Mood Setting

As I now think forward to this day ahead, I’m ready to be home; I’m ready to be back in the office; I’m ready to focus on making every single interaction something meaningful.

And I’m thankful again for this time to get my heart right before I charge in to another day of great adventures.

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