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I remember reading “Servant Leadership” over 2 decades ago, and I’m going to pull it out and read it again.  It sure seems its means as much if not more today. 

These are times of incredible change, but the one thing that shouldn’t change is a servant minded leadership from those who are being trusted to lead the change process.

But I’m not sure we’re seeing much evidence of that today.

We’re seeing a lot of numbers focused leadership and process focused leadership.

Undoubtedly, both can be critical in times of enormous external pressure when companies are fighting to get every nickel to the bottom line.

But, servant leadership isn’t incompatible with protecting the bottom line or optimizing the efficiency of a business.

In fact, I’d argue that servant leadership would accelerate your path to maturity and optimize business efficiency.

I bet there are lots of examples of just that thing out there.

I need to find them.

Then spread the word.


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