Tough Decision

Last night, my 20 year old son asked “Dad, you want to go see Saw V with me?”  I quickly said, “uhh, no.”

Shortly thereafter, my 14 year old daughter asked, “Dad, you want to see High School Musical 3 with me?”  I equally as quickly said, “uhh, no.”

It’s hard to imagine any larger extreme in viewing preferences than those two.  It’s also hard to imagine me at any time wanting to see either of those two movies.

Of course, both of my kids know very well that my answer would be “uhh, no”.  I ought to say, “sure” and watch the “you got to be kidding me” look that would inevitably occur on both of their faces.  The look would immediately be followed with “you serious?”

Then once again I’d say, “uhh, no”.

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