Tracking the Spread

As we head towards Super Bowl Sunday, we’re hearing now about “the spread” and the heavy bettors in this nation are tracking Pittsburgh as the 7 point favorite over Arizona.

Over the last few years, I’ve been tracking the spread too, but not to place bets in Vegas.  Instead, I’ve been tracking the difference in temperature as our board members travel from the Northwest corner of Alaska down to visit company operations all over (and even outside) the country.  It was in the mid 20’s yesterday here in Colorado, and our visitors from Alaska marveled at how beautiful and warm (relatively speaking) it was.  If they had been here last week, it was 73 here during the day and -20 back at their homes. 

That 93 degree spread is nothing compared to what happened several years ago.  Back then, we had a meeting in February in Camuy, Puerto Rico, and our board members left temperatures of -45 to come down to 85 degree weather.  That spread of 130 degrees is still the record!

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