
I’ve spent a lot of time walking over the last 6 months.  Typically 3 or 4 miles.  45 minutes to an hour.  Outside preferred over inside.  Flat land preferred over hills.  Company preferred over walking solo.  Lately, 5 or 6 times a week.

I watch other people when I walk.  In fact, I stare at them until they look at me so I can wave hello!  It frustrates my wife.  But it’s who I am.

In watching others, I’ve noticed a couple of things. 

Some walk with their heads down, uninterested in the destination and intensely focused on each individual step.  Others though walk with their heads up, excitedly looking at the things ahead and yearning to reach that next landmark.

Some walk in an aggressive fashion, forcing the pace and ensuring others follow them.  Others walk a bit more passively, waiting for the pace to be set by someone else.

I constantly look ahead, sometimes oblivious to each individual step.

I also want to set the pace, anxious to reach the destination in the time I desire and frustrated at times when I have to slow down and walk at a different pace.

So my normal state is a visionary and a dreamer, and my natural desire is to be a pacesetter.

Is that good or bad, right or wrong?

For me it’s good and it’s right.

It’s who I am.

For others, it may be completely wrong.  They need to see each step and let others set the pace.

We certainly need both.

What are you?

One Response to “Walking”

  1. realdeal42 on 25 Jun 2010 at 7:59 am #

    This may sound a bit wishy-washy, but I think I’m a bit both and both…depending.

    Like if I’m chugging uphill, it’s easier for me to put my head down and focus on the individual steps. But if I’m in a flat area, and there’s a nice view, of course I’ll look around! I also have started to warm up to the camaraderie of fellow runners/walkers. When passing someone there’s always that brief wave and maybe a smile.

    As for the pace, I usually like to set it, when the run or walk was my idea. If I’m doing something or going somewhere and I didn’t initiate it, I’m content to follow.

    Good/bad, right/wrong? I have no idea. =)

    But I guess I can use the same answer: It’s who I am.