Work in Progress

I spent yesterday focused on being more respectful, more responsible, more reinforcing, more reasonable, and more responsive.  In effect, I’m working on being a better follower now, and then maybe I can become a better leader after I learn more about following. 

Denise has told me many times, “You’ll never be happy working for someone else.”  And she’s right.  My actions and my attitudes have always been very critical of those I work for, and when that criticism becomes an all consuming passion, any opportunity to push back respectfully is deeply buried behind that overwhelming stream of non-support.

So I’m a work in progress.  And I have lots of work to do.  I need to work on humility.  I need to work on attitude.  I need to work on behavior.  I need to work on listening.  I need to work on appreciation.  I need to work on respect.

I need to work on me.

2 Responses to “Work in Progress”

  1. melissaconrey on 06 Jul 2009 at 1:34 pm #

    Aren’t we all works in progress? Our Pastor’s Father-in-Law gave a wonderful sermon about working on being righteous. He said that it is a constant battle and compared it to a walk where you start on a 6 lane highway and as you work and walk down the road it narrows into a balance beam. As you walk, you WILL fall of the road (or balance beam), and you have to get back on the road and continue from where you fell off. It is good to actually hear someone talk about this.

  2. stf6992 on 07 Jul 2009 at 9:22 pm #

    What a great analogy! I can truly understand the comparison to a narrowing road…the more we focus, and learn, and apply, the narrower that road becomes. And the narrower that road becomes, the more we struggle to keep our balance and maintain contact with that point in the future that is ultimate sanctification! I have no doubt that the smiles abound in heaven when we walk through those pearly gates. But what an incredible journey we get to participate on to get there! Thanks for your comments…this really made me smile!