Archive for November, 2010


Fascinating. With age, my hearing seems to decline, but the whispers seem to get louder. Does that make sense?


I’m not sure I know what perfection is! It certainly isn’t how much I get accomplished in any given day. It certainly isn’t a deal that is constructed which provides compromises for both sides. It certainly isn’t the sun in the morning, the blizzard mid day, and then the blue skies in the late afternoon. It […]


That’s how many air miles I covered in the last 10 days – 23,000.  44 hours in the air, and another 16 hours in airport terminals.  One and a half work weeks in travel status.  And I loved every minute and every mile of it, because the air miles and the terminal time were essential […]

After the Fact

I’m sitting in a hotel room on the other side of the world, and just turned on the TV to find Miami playing New Orleans in basketball.  Miami, of course, has the “big 3”, and they are expected to win.  But New Orleans has a new front office, new coach, and new team, and they […]


Throughout our lives, we set priorities.  We learn about studying instead of blowing it off to attend that concert that we’ve wanted to go to for what seems like forever (for me it was Jimmy Buffet).  We learn about passing on that extra special chocolate decadence cake to focus on the extra benefit we’ll receive […]

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