
I’m not sure I know what perfection is!

It certainly isn’t how much I get accomplished in any given day.

It certainly isn’t a deal that is constructed which provides compromises for both sides.

It certainly isn’t the sun in the morning, the blizzard mid day, and then the blue skies in the late afternoon.

It certainly isn’t the things I think are the right path, when others obviously know a better one.

It certainly isn’t the way I treat those who frustrate me, or the things I think about those who irritate me, or the things I ignore when others are in need, or the things that gentle whisper asks me to do and I quickly refuse and move on.

So what is perfection?

Maybe it’s a path and not a state?

Let’s consider this definition – “perfection is a faith filled quest to fulfill our purpose, to achieve our God given path and plan, and to live our lives in the service of our Creator and in the admiration and respect for His creation.”

Since perfection is not possible, and being perfect has only been demonstrated and achieved once in the known history of the world, then maybe I can settle for a quest and not a state.

I think I can live with that.

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