
The buzz over the Super Bowl commercials was enormous.

Yet folks seemed to be disappointed with those commercials.

So, what would you “sell” if you too had 30 seconds to lay it out so folks would see you as you are?

Here are some suggestions:

  • thank those who got you to where you are today
  • smile in knowing that wherever you are today is only a very small step to where you want to be tomorrow
  • laugh in knowing that life was meant to be joyful and each of us have that very funny bone in our body
  • cry in knowing that in life we will ultimately come up one day short of something spectacular yet spectacular isn’t what’s needed to make a huge impact on thos on the journey of life with each of us
  • then tell folks like it is…who you are…what you stand for…what you can do in service to others
  • and most importantly, commit to something, and then deliver on those commitments

I’d say this:

(1) I’m someone special, which we all are in our own rights

(2) I’m here to help in whatever situation, whatever partnership, whatever solution is possible to addrees the toughest problems we face in today’s society

(3) I don’t do anything alone, but bring a team of many others with me to this battle

(4) I’m not selling you on me; I’m here to help, but the needs are staggering across our great country; if you need me, you’ll have to find me out solving those needs 

Let me know if I can help you!

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