In a Rush

I flew out of the house this morning, late for an appointment because I was piddling around with things that weren’t necessarily meaningful but certainly time consuming.  As I sped off down the street, I got to the bend in the road and slammed on the brake.  This was crossing in front of me:

Three others had crossed by the time I got my camera ready, and another was still up on the hill headed toward the road.  They certainly weren’t spooked by me, and even in my anxiety, I enjoyed watching them meander down the hill, across street, through the yard and off to the creek below our houses.

Two very different thoughts crossed my head as I sat and watched and waited:

(1) I was late, and this was just making me later

(2) I would rather just sit there and watch the deer rather than head to my appointment

It’s a constant battle for me – the anxiety of making that next meeting versus the wonder of the world and all that’s in it. 

If I truly had the choice, I’d sit and watch the deer walk down the trail, or sit and watch the planes take off, or sit and watch the cruise ships go out, or sit and watch the moon set. 

Actually, I do have the choice, but I don’t make the right choice often enough.

Because I’m in a rush.

From here to there.

All the time.

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