Time Management

I suck at time management.

I sit down at the start of the day and make sure I know my schedule, do my “to do” list, and identify all those I need to contact in that particular day.

It never works.

I never get through any of the lists…except maybe the schedule…and I often times wish I didn’t get to everything on my schedule!


Because regardless of what I have on my list, something or someone comes barging in to capture my time so I end up spending more time with the intruders and then have no time for those incredibly important things on my “to do” list.

Which automatically raises the question, “Are the things on the lists that important after all?”


The time management classes I took over the years never really told me what to do when the opportunistic interruptions were equally as important as the scheduled and prioritized events of the day.

Maybe I should go to remedial training.

One Response to “Time Management”

  1. realdeal42 on 07 May 2010 at 9:50 am #

    This may be to simplistic of a solution, but what about adding visitors/interruptions into your schedule. You plan for them to happen so it doesn’t off-set everything when the inevitably do. Then just think of the excitement you might feel if you happen to have a day with few/zero interruptions and you have “extra” time!

    Just a thought.