
I’m all packed.  The travel bag is by the door.  The backpack is fully loaded with those essentials for at altitude serenity.  And I’m on my 4th cup of coffee.

I’m ready about a half hour early, which is very unusual for me, and quite frankly, I’m struggling with what to do.  I can’t dive into the big proposal I need to review, because I need “straight time” on that one and an uninterrupted few hours of focus to do it right.  And I don’t want to go to the airport early, because I’d get to Starbucks before “the time is right” and then I’d get to the airport too early, and then I’d get frustrated by the crowds and the always too loud announcements in the terminal.

So I decided to quickly look around the house and see if there was anything I could do to “prepare the house” before I leave.  My wife has this mastered.  She’ll clean days in advance of her trips, and then leave the house spotless upon her departure.  That cleaning spree usually doesn’t end until she’s wiping counters as she walks out the door.

But I’m a guy.

It was heroics for me this morning because I made the bed AND put stuff in the dishwasher (lots of stuff – stuff that my wife would cringe at if she saw it).

So as always, I ended up in my home office and looked out the window and saw this:

Maybe Someday?

For those who don’t know me well, you just see a corner of our front yard marked with a bunch of flags.  For those who know me well, you see the ultimate example of procrastination.

We called the utilities to mark the yard almost 5 months ago now because I needed to place a beautiful address marker that I bought my wife for Mother’s Day last year!  So many things have happened since then – vacations, travels, winter weather – all of which gave me one excuse after another to “hold off” and wait till a better time.

So the address marker sits in the garage:

Address Marker

It really is a beautiful address marker.  And I’m really anxious to get it out in front of our house.  And I’m hoping for a good weather weekend sometime very soon to actually get the quickcrete down and get it place.  And I’m desperately hoping that the marker flags don’t fly away (but hey, they’ve made it through 40 mph winds thus far).  And I’m hoping that my good friends who will most certainly be needed to help place this very heavy marker will be available that one weekend that the weather is good and I get off my FDAH butt and do what I should have done months ago.

And I hope to get it done before this next Mother’s Day.

Or maybe I can give her the installation as a gift this year!

That would be cool.

PS.  With my wife gone, I wanted to post a picture for her to show how much she’s missed at home:

Anxiously Waiting

My wife has a years’ long battle with the pigeons on our roof.  With her gone and no one firing water guns at them right now, they sit arrogantly staring at me now, knowing they are not at risk but most certainly fearing her return!

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