Sympathy Sweats

At the risk of life, I’ve mentioned before that my wife has been going through pre-menopausal symptoms.  She’ll wake up in the middle of the night just radiating heat.  She’ll then throw the comforter off when it’s 20 degrees outside with the window open and I’m in the fetal position under her blankets and mine then just freezing beyond belief.

Well speaking of role reversals, last night I woke up twice, soaking wet, and then had to throw the comforter off because I was so hot. 

Now I don’t know what this means, but I have several theories:

(1) sympathy sweats really do occur when your spouse is going through that pre-menopausal thing

(2) I had a nightmare and just don’t remember it since I watched “Tremors” before going to bed

(3) I had an adverse reaction to my 4.5 mile walk yesterday with my body now telling me, “you got to be kidding me”

I gotta believe it’s (1).

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